As a parish, we are more than just individuals who come together as a faith community. We are a family, we are friends. In 2018, we had our first annual "Friendsgiving." This gave us the opportunity to come together to share a meal and have fun! A big thank you to all who helped put this great event together, we look forward to the next!
Como parroquia, somos más que simplemente individuos que se reúnen como comunidad de fe. Somos una familia, somos amigos. En 2018, tuvimos nuestro primer "Friendsgiving" anual. Esto nos brindó la oportunidad de reunirnos para compartir una comida y divertirnos. ¡Un gran agradecimiento a todos los que ayudaron a organizar este maravilloso evento, esperamos con ansias el próximo!